Personal Information

User may make changes to his/her personal information such as an e-mail address, as well as turn on or turn off the Notify me by email option.

Open the Personal Information screen

  1. Hover a mouse pointer over the Settings menu on the menu bar to display its menu.

  2. Slide a mouse pointer over the Configuration option to display its menu.

  3. Click Personal Information to open the Personal Information screen.


Edit a personal information

  1. From the Personal Information screen, review the options, descriptions, and instructions from the Understand Personal Information Options table to enter or edit the personal information.

  2. Once the modification is completed, click Submit to save the changes.


Understand Personal Information Options

Track alerts are highlighted in red for immediate visibility. The alerts will display until the corresponding Track action item has been completed.


Description and Instruction

Last Name

Enter or modify the user's last name.

First Name

Enter or modify the user's first name.


Enter or modify the user's assigned organization.

Email Address

Enter an e-mail address which is used for scheduled reporting distributions or alert notifications.

Notify me by email

Select the Notify me by email checkbox to receiving the internal messages on the home page.

Track Alerts Interval

Pending Authorization Email set up. Refer to Pending Authorization Email for more information.

Employee ID

Enter or modify the user's employee ID.

Confirm Employee ID

Re-enter the user's employee ID.

Format Preference

Select the format preference to display different number, date, and time formats.

Default Order Type

Select a default order type assigns to the user.

Exception Requests

Select the Exception Requests checkbox so that the Track Coordinator or supervisors will receive alerts when they have exception requests to process.

Pending Authorizations

Select the Pending Authorization checkbox to receive alerts when there are allocations to authorize.

Pending Acceptance

Select the Pending Acceptance checkbox to receive alerts when there are unaccepted allocations to accept.

Unallocated Costs

Select the Unallocated Costs checkbox to receive alerts when there are unallocated hours to allocate.

Other Cost Assignments

Select the Other Cost Assignments checkbox to receive alerts when other cost assignments are within three days of expiration.

Revokes Completed

Select the Revokes Completed checkbox to enable the Alert icon on the Track Home Page, displaying the message at the header frame. When a revoke occurs for an organization, the Alert icon on will become red. Hover a mouse point over the Alert icon to display a notification, Revoke Processed. Once viewed, the notification will disappear until another revoke is processed.

Pre-Approval Requests

Select the Pre-Approval Requests checkbox to receive the alerts if the pre-approval is used.

Primary Area for unauthorized alerts

Select the appropriate checkboxes to identify the unauthorized alert as the Primary for one or more Area IDs. Other accessible Area IDs will be identified as Other.

Primary Area for exception request alerts

Select the appropriate checkboxes to identify the alert as the Primary for one or more Exception Handlers. Other accessible Exception Handlers will be identified as Other.


Set up the Pending Authorization Email

  1. From the Personal Information screen, enter an email into the Email Address text box.

  2. Select the preferred delivery interval from the Track Interval drop-down list.

  3. Check the Pending Authorizations checkbox.

  4. Select one or more checkboxes in the Primary Area for unauthorized alerts area.

  5. Click Submit to save.