View Override Requests and History

This tutorial is for Track users needing to Review Override Requests and History. Track Coordinators and Authorizers typically perform this task.There are several circumstances that may require an override. For example, the labor resources may be called out before the start of their schedule or requested to stay past the end of their schedule. Once the Client Owners receive the override requests, they can review, approve, or reject the override requests.


View the Override Requests

  1. After accessing Track, hover a mouse pointer over Activity.

  2. Drop down to Labor Hours and select Exception/Override Request to open the Override Hours screen.

  3. Select an organization from the Organization drop-down list.

  4. The Show Requested option in the Filter Override drop-down list is selected by default.

  5. From the Override Listing, select an organization. The override requests from the selected organization display in the grid. If a document is attached to an override request, the Attachment icon is displayed on a line item.

  6. Click the Attachment icon to open the dialog box, displaying the information from the attached document.

  7. Click the Close icon to close the dialog box.

View an Override Request History

  1. From the Override Hours screen, select a labor resource from the grid to highlight the line item.

  2. Click the History button to open the dialog box, displaying the selected labor resource's override request history.

  3. Click the Close icon located at the top right corner of the screen to close the dialog box and return to the Override Hours screen.

View a Labor Resource's Detailed Events

  1. From the Override Hours screen, select a labor resource from the grid to highlight the line item.

  2. Click the Labor Details button to open the Labor Details screen, displaying the selected labor's IN/OUT events, overrides, and other related information.