Schedule Exceptions

Users may assign an exception to a working schedule, such as Jury Duty or Bereavement. Depending on how the exception is set up, it may override a working schedule. Exceptions are not recognized by the pay formulas. Thus, they are not included in any calculation.


Click the Show/Hide link to display all of the labor resources with or without activities.

Open the Schedule Exceptions screen

  1. Click the Schedule menu link on the menu bar to open the Daily Scheduled Resources screen.

  2. From the Daily Scheduled Resources screen, click the checkbox on a line item to highlight a selected labor resource and enable the Exception link.

  3. Click the Exception link to open the Schedule Exceptions screen.


Assign an exception to a labor resource

  1. From the Schedule Exceptions screen, click New to enable the drop-down lists, buttons, and text boxes.

  2. Select an exception type from the Exception Type drop-down list.

  3. Enter month and year for the new exception into the Month, Year text box or select the month and year from the calendar.

  4. In the How Long area, there are two options to define the length of exception time.

    1. User Defined

      1. Click the User Defined button and enter the amount of time in hours:minutes into the text box.

      2. Proceed to step 5.

    1. Full Day

      1. Click the Full Day button.

      2. Proceed to step 5.

  5. In the When area, click the appropriate buttons that are related to the length of exception time. If the At button is selected, enter the time in a 24-hour format, into the text box.

  6. Click Add to apply the new exception to the selected labor resource and display in the Exception Listing.


Edit an assigned exception

  1. From the Exceptions Listing, click the Edit icon on a line item to enable the text boxes.

  2. Make the changes then click OK to save the modifications.


Delete an assigned exception

  1. From the Exceptions Listing, click the Delete icon on a line item. The delete confirmation dialog box opens.

  2. Click OK to delete the selected assigned exception.


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