Understand Authorization Central screen for Geo Authorization

From the Authorization screen, the Geo-Point icon is displayed on each line item associated with the boundaries. Click the Geo-Point icon to open the Labor Detail dialog box, displaying the map with the defined boundaries and all IN/OUT activities associated with the selected labor resource. At this point, the approver will follow the normal process to approve or reject the allocations.


If the allocations are not found in the supplied plant codes, the event numbers for the IN/OUT activities are displayed on the map but without the boundaries or Geo-Point icons.




    1. Once the Expand All link is selected, the Collapse All link interchanges and displays. From the Authorization Detail grid, all line items expand, displaying the hours, costs, and the Geo-Pin icon

    2. The green Geo-Pin icon represents all events are within the boundary. However, if an event is outside the defined boundary, then the red Geo-Pin icon is displayed.

    3. On the second line item, click the Geo-Pin icon to open or close the Skill line item. Then click the Geo-Pin icon on the Skill line item to open or close the Resource line item.

    4. Click the Geo Pin icon on the Resource line item to open the Labor Detail dialog box. Refer to Understand Geo Authorization Area for more information.


Understand Geo Authorization Area

From the Authorization Central screen, click the Geo-Point icon on the Resource line item to open the Labor Detail dialog box, displaying the selected resource's hours, costs, and the Geo Authorization information.

  1. Selected labor resource name, organization, and selected timesheet date are displayed.

  2. From the Pay Detail grid, the selected labor resource's pay detailed information is displayed.

  3. The In/Out Detail grid displays the captured IN/OUT events. Refer to Resource Event for more information.

  4. The Override Detail grid displays the override information. Refer to Override Labor Hours and Extra Charges for more information.

  5. Click one of the Labor Details links to directly display the selected link’s information. Refer to Understand Labor Detail Dialog Box for more information.

  6. The Geo Authorization grid displays the following information.

  7. The Map option displays the map imagery in Google Map. Select the Satellite option from the drop-down list to view the map imagery in Google Earth.

  8. This image represents the Geo Boundary Data. The event numbers indicate the event’s IN or OUT.

  9. Click the Zoom icon to zoom the map in or out.

  10. Click the Close icon to close the Labor Detail dialog box.


Related Topics

Geo Authorization Overview

Geo Boundaries Data

Geo Validation