Build a Schedule

The pattern for a schedule is the number of days when the same days on and days off cycle repeats itself. Listed below are example of different schedules.


If applicable, click the All Locations checkbox to display all schedule in the Schedule Detail Listing.

Open the Schedule Detail screen

  1. Click the Schedule link from the Daily Scheduled Resources screen to open the Schedule Detail screen.

  2. Alternatively, hover a mouse pointer over the Schedule menu link on the menu bar to display its drop-down menu.

  3. Slide a mouse pointer over to the Build Schedule option to display its menu.

  4. Click Schedule Detail to open the Schedule Detail screen.


Set up a new schedule detail for labor or equipment

  1. If applicable, select a location from the Location drop-down list located at the menu bar.

  2. From the Schedule Detail screen, select a labor's schedule shift from the Shift drop-down list. For an equipment, select the Equipment option from the Shift drop-down list.

  3. Enter a new schedule name into the Schedule Name text box.

  4. Enter the number of days in the cycle into the Number of Days in Pattern text box.

  5. The day of the week for this calendar date will be the first day of the week for this schedule as well as the start date of the cycle. For example, if the selected date falls on Sunday, then the first day of the week is a Sunday. Enter a schedule's start date into the Start Date text box. Alternatively, select a date from the calendar. (see also Date Format)

  6. The Active checkbox is selected by default. Click the Active checkbox to uncheck it if a new schedule has an inactive status. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.

  7. Enter additional information into the Extra text box, if applicable.

  8. Click Add to save and display a new schedule in the Schedule Detail Listing. Refer to Day Details to create day details for the new schedule.


Edit a schedule detail

  1. From the Schedule Detail Listing, click the Edit icon on the line item to enable the Schedule Name, Start Date, and Extra text boxes and the Active checkbox.

  2. Make the changes then click the Update icon to save the modifications.


Delete a schedule detail

If a schedule is assigned to one or more labor resources or equipment, then that schedule cannot be deleted.

  1. From the Schedule Detail Listing, click the Delete icon on the line item. The delete confirmation pop-up message appears.

  2. Click OK to delete the selected schedule.


Related Topics

Day Details

Rotating Shift Schedule

Individual Schedule

Schedule Organization

View a Labor Schedule

View an Equipment Schedule