Accept Equipment Hours and Other Costs

Track user may accept or unaccept multiple equipment types on the Acceptance Equipment Hours/Costs screen. The Accept/Unaccept Item link has two functions, accepting or unaccepting equipment hours and other costs. If the allocations are selected, indicated with the checkmarks inside the checkboxes, clicking the Accept/Unaccept Item link will accept the allocations. However, the allocations that are not selected, indicated with the empty checkboxes, will remain or become unaccepted, depending on their current status. Every allocation on the selected page will be affected when Track user clicks the Accept/Unaccept Item link.

Open the Accept Equipment Hours/Other Costs screen

  1. Clicking the Acceptance link from the Allocate Equipment Hours/Other Costs screen will open the Accept Equipment Hours/Other Costs screen.

  2. Alternatively, hover a mouse pointer over the Allocations menu link to display its drop-down menu.

  3. Slide a mouse pointer over to the Acceptance option to display its menu.

  4. Click Equipment to open the Accept Equipment Hours/Other Costs screen.


Accept equipment hours and other costs

Clicking the Accept All Groups Charges link will accept all equipment hours and other costs in all equipment groups for the selected timesheet date. Follow the instructions below to accept equipment hours and other costs by line items. Always click the Show Allocations to refresh the screen.

  1. If applicable, select a location from the Location drop-down list located at the menu bar.

  2. From the Accept Equipment Hours/Other Costs screen, select an organization from the Organization drop-down list.

  3. Select an agreement from the Agreement drop-down list.

  4. The All Groups in the Group drop-down list is selected by default. Select a specific equipment group from the Group drop-down. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.

  5. Enter the timesheet date into the Timesheet Date text box. Alternatively, select a date from the calendar. (see also Date Format)

  6. Click the Show Allocations link to display the equipment hours and other costs that have not been allocated in the Hours/Other Costs Not Allocated grid. The equipment hours and other costs that are already for acceptance are displayed in the Equipment Hours/Other Costs Listing.

  7. From the Equipment Hours/Other Costs Listing, click the checkbox on the line item to select the equipment hours and other costs.

  8. Click the Acceptance/Unaccept Items link to accept the selected equipment hours and costs. The message, "Accepted all groups equipment hours/cost successfully!" is displayed, and the accepted line item is shaded.

Unaccept equipment hours and other costs

If one or more allocations for equipment have been authorized and assigned a timesheet reference number, the allocations for the equipment cannot be unaccepted until specific timesheet has been voided.

  1. From the Equipment Hours/Other Costs Listing, deselect the checkbox on a line item to remove the checkmark.

  2. Click the Acceptance/Unaccept Items link to unaccept the selected equipment hours and costs. The selected line item is unaccepted and returns to its original appearance. The equipment hours and other costs that have not been allocated are displayed back into the Hours/Other Costs Not Allocated grid.


Related Topics

Allocate Equipment Hours and Other Costs

Resolve the reject equipment hours and costs

Equipment Hours and Other Costs Not Allocated (Audit Report)

Authorization Central

Equipment Hours/Costs Authorization